Cuddly Cozy Quilts
Wrap yourself or your child in flannel-backed comfort
Are you a parent who loves your child deeply,
wants the best for them,
needs them to get plenty of sleep and needs your evening time too?
Make up a story from the quilt that helps them to go to sleep.
How about a date away from your child at times? Leave them snuggling with their quilt friend.
Maybe a chance to put your feet up while they nap; rest, read, check email with some lap quilt cuddling?
Click on the box that takes you to my cuddly cozy quilts for you, your child, a grandchild, niece or nephew, or friend.
Gifts & Everyday Needs
Cozy infant receiving blankets, doll and stuffy quilts, pillowcases for dreaming, pillow covers and more
Just as a quilt can cuddle a child, so does their loved doll or animal stuffy need to be cuddled! Just ask a child...
Give a gift of baby swaddling in a cozy flannel receiving blanket. What a lovely concept, to “receive” these new precious little ones!
Pillowcases for Dreaming
Lay your head down
Declare what you want to dream
A beautiful garden? Have you planted your seeds?
Snuggling with your favorite teddy bear?
Is your cat purring beside you? Or still playing?
Are you a teen who has a crush on someone? Go to sleep on a cloud of love in your heart.
Have you finished that book and now look forward to the next adventure?
Maybe your mind and heart are in the stars.
Sleep well my friend……..zzzzzzzzz
Did you know that cloth absorbs sound, so if you have wood or tile floors, you might want your art to be 3 dimensional quilt art.
Perhaps you have a little wall, in your powder room? Spruce it up, amaze your visitors!
What's better than changing the color of your walls when you're tired of that one? Hang a new piece of art!
Gifts for the Earth
Gifts that save trees, plastic, providing beauty at the same time!
There are so many ways to "save the earth". I realized, after China stopped taking our plastic bags to recycle, that I needed to cut my consumption down.
(Nothing like not being able to "throw away" my consumerism to get me to reduce/reuse/recycle even more!)
Here are some tissue holders to use for recycled,
wheat straw or bamboo, paper tissues.
And of course there's the tote bags that we've gotten used to bringing with us to the store. These may be a bit more fancy than our grocery bags. I use them when I buy items like clothing, or a pharmacy/department type store, go on a weekend trip, or to the beach!
On your computer, click on the photos to be taken to each page to see your choices of items to give to yourself and others. (not on mobile)